I am Fushan Li. I now work at Amazon as a machine learning engineer in Vancouver, Canada. I am excited about applying reinforcement learning, deep learning and AI research to real-world applications.
Before that, I earned my MSc degree in Computer Science at the University of Alberta. During my Masters, I was fortunate enough to work with my advisors, Prof. Michael Bowling and Prof. Dale Schuurmans. I had a paper published at NeurIPS on multi-agent reinforcement learning.
You can reach me at fushanseu AT gmail dot com.
Machine Learning Engineer, Amazon
2020.03 - now, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Reseach Intern, Scalable Natural Language Processing, IBM Research
2018.06 - 2018.08, Almaden, CA, United States
Web Development Intern, SAP Labs China
2015.07 - 2016.01, Shanghai, China
M.Sc. in Computing Science, University of Alberta, GPA: 4.0/4.0
2016.09 - 2019.09, Edmonton, Canada
B.Eng. in Computer Science and Technology, Southeast University, GPA: 87/100
2012.09 - 2016.06, Nanjing, China
F. Li and M. Bowling. Ease-of-Teaching and Language Structure from Emergent Communication paper code poster slides
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2019
A contributed talk on a short version at NeurIPS Workshop on Emergent Communication, 2018
F. Li, S. Xie and Q. Ni. A Novel Boundary Based Multiobjective Particle Swarm Optimization paper
International Conference in Swarm Intelligence, 2015